Bringing Faith to Life
Love, Kinesthetically
- Only Love Can do this
- A Love Like No Other
- Love opens
- Beauty under the foliage
- Hidden Majesty
- Marked by Beauty
- Special Utensils
- Perishable
- Toss and Replace
- I don’t create; I rearrange
- If we show children the way
- First, we must stand
- I am special because
- What does God believe in Me?
- Letting Love Show
- What small thing offered in great love has been life-giving for you?
- You are exactly what God had in mind
- Perfectly Proportioned
- Punch Holes in Your Fears
- The Message our Body Brings to Life
- Motion Activated
- The Body Doesn’t Lie
- Firm Outside, Flexible inside
- You have not arrived but you’re getting there
- I go to prepare a place
- Love: A Communal Project